I've just had my lunch hour reduced to a 'packacrackers-and-glad-to-have-em,
sit and wait for some egotistical anal retentive pre-release 'person' (I really
couldn't discern the gender) to turn the sign from STOP to SLOW" break.
You've seen them, the dreaded ROAD DESTRUCTION WORKERS, dressed in their orange
day glow tuxedos, some burly with more body hair than is normally allowed
outside of a zoo enclosure, or so painfully gaunt and emaciated you just know
they've proven the medical experts right when they've warned of the dangers of
breathing pollutants.
But, size notwithstanding, they lord the power of THE SIGN over you like the
keys to the gates of heaven.
They don't know I can read lips...speaking into their little
walkie talkies that I seriously question even have batteries. If they actually
worked they might have to LEARN how to use them. They say, "Here's one that
looks as if she's on her way to work, let's make her late". "This one's got
no air conditioner, let's make her sit a while in the heat." "OOOOH Baby, this
dude's on a serious mission to get someplace, let's close the road for the
Just because they have big machines, hunks of metal that could crush a normal
vehicle, they don't need to park them in the middle of the road...and take a
break. Sure, I sympathize with them, working in all that heat. But, before you
take a leak and a pepsi, MOVE THE ROLLER! You have to, when finally
given omnipotent permission to move at all, squeak by wondering if you'll scrape
the side of your car or slide into the ditch...some choice!
No, they LIKE the power that sign gives them, these n'ere do wells who may
not even be able to read them, as evidenced by the number of times BOTH of
the genderless beings allowed the same words to show at their respective ends
causing TWO lines of vehicles to have to fight for the bit of road that's
still available. After all, we still have the roller, the dump truck, the
supervisors who stand around and supervise, as well as the
burly hairy guy (I KNOW that gender) taking a leak by the side of the road.
And, so much of it is unnecessary! All it takes is a warning BEFORE you turn on
the road. There are often so many other options to take, other streets, if only
you knew, if only they placed the signs before the point of no return. Who in
their right or wrong mind would willingly enter the realm of the road crew if
given a choice.
No...they want you like bloodthirsty vampires, they want to prey on your busy
lifestyles, snatch away the precious minutes you do have. It makes them feel
Your tax dollars at work supporting the infrastructure...Road destruction